Birds in the Bush Nursery is a grow to order service. Therefore we need to receive your order in time for us to grow it so it is ready for you to plant! Pretty simple really.
Here are our timeframes:
Before the end of October - We love you. You get the plants you order.
Before the end of December - We will do our best. Expect us to satisfy most species requirements.
January and later - We will meet much of your order but it will depend on the species you are wanting. Expect some species substitution or late delivery of certain species where we have fully allocated our supply and need to grow more.
Send your desired species list to robert@birdsinthebushnursery.com.au
and we will confirm with an order. We commit to giving you growing status updates at the end of February and the end of April so there are no surprises when you come to collect.
Our default growing format is forestry tubes (trays of 50). Other formats (eg HIKO trays) will be done on request. Our forestry tube price is $1.50 including GST.
See here for a list of plants that we are currently growing. Not on this list, then talk to us!
Climate Ready Plantings
Before you place your order, have you considered planting for a changing climate? CSIRO Research has emphasised the importance of a "genetically diverse seed base to maximise the adaptive potential of restoration efforts to current and future environmental change" (see Seed supply for broad scale restoration: maximising evolutionary potential).
What does this mean? It means planting the same species but having a percentage of the species originating from a drier climate. A more genetically diverse planting that will be more resilient in the face of a changing climate.
For a fixed fee of $100 per species, our nursery can source seed from a drier climate and introduce a 10% (or any other percentage that you specify) mix of these genetics into your species mix. Please talk to us for further information.
Collection and Deliveries
Please call us at least 24 hours prior to when you want to collect your order and we will prepare it.
Collection is from our nursery located at 610 Staughton Vale Rd, Balliang VIC 3340.
We are also happy to deliver for a fee of $50 per order within 50km or $75 within 200km.
Remember that if you are not immediately planting your plants, you will need to keep them watered on a daily
basis (an obvious requirement, but one easily forgotten).
Please talk to us for further information.